How to become a travel agent

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Travel agent salary

up to 100% commissions paid to the agent

Travel agent salary and commissions

The compensation you get depends on what kind relationship you have with the agency you work for. Some agents work on a full time basis and many more are independent contractors. You get the usual benefits associated with a full time employment, however your earning potential is very limited. This is why most home based travel agents work on a contract basis. If you think this is something you would like to do, then you need to get associated with a reputable agency usually called a Host Travel Agency. There are many names for Independent Agents such as an Outside Travel Agent, Independent Travel Consultant or something in between. The key here is independent which means you are not an employee of the company, but rather a business partner.

Home based travel agent receives portion of the commissions generated from the sales called the Split. Please refer to the table below for the best in Canada commissions splits (we've checked around).

Home based travel agent benefits

Home based travel agents are actually owners of a home based business. This is how you should approach it. You can define your own working hours and schedules, whether you want to work part or full time. Becoming a home based travel agent does not mean you should work from home. You can be anywhere in the world as long as you stay connected with your clients.

As an agent you are entitled to many "perks"! Having all the inventory and the technology at your fingertips you and your family will see the world differently from now on. You can apply for an industry Photo ID card that will give you instant discounts with many of our partners. You can participate in FAM (Familiarization) Trips, designed by suppliers (cruise lines, resorts, guided tour companies) with a purpose of advertising and helping you to know better their products and those trips are quite often just the fraction of the regular price.

Best industry commissions splits and lowest thresholds to make top dollars!


Plan 90%You keep 90% commissions

Plan 80%You keep 80% commissions

Plan 70%You keep 70% commissions

Plan 50%You keep 50% commissions

  Join Us! Join Us! Join Us! Join Us!
Earned gross commissionsBefore split $25,001+ $10,001-$25,000 $5,001-$10,000 Up to $5,000
$0 Enrollment Fees!
$0 Monthly Fees!
Free Training, Support & Marketing
Free Back Office
Free WebsiteFree Canadian Cruise PROS branded website
FAM TripsOpportunity to get big discounts
Free E&OInclusion into company's E&O policy
100% commission on your own travel
Free Public Facing Booking Engine
Free company email account
Eligible for ITAN Card
GDS tools on demandIf you really need it